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Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 20th Edition Learning Medicine: How to Become and Remain a Good Doctor.
Springer; 1 edition (December 17, 2007) ISBN: 190 pages Essentials of Autopsy Practice: New Advances, Trends and Developments provides an update on the advances and developments in autopsy practice. This concise, well-referenced text consists of chapters that can be read independently of each other, in addition to forming a cohesive book, which can act as a laboratory manual or reference guide. This book is designed to be kept in laboratories, offices and mortuaries so that pathologists can quickly reach for it and look up how to undertake procedures or interpret findings found in autopsy practice. Its size and contents make this a day-to-day usable book. Useful to both trainees and consultants in all specialty areas within pathology including forensic pathology, the book also serves as a guide to all those involved in death investigation i.e. Nurses, lawyers, paramedics and police officers.
Publisher: Springer Language: English ISBN: 498 pages Data: 2008 Description: Some important constraints of anesthesia must be taken into consideration when the pharmacological properties of modern anesthetics are discussed. The most important of these could be that the target effect be achieved preferably within seconds, at most within a few minutes. Similarly, offset of drug action should be achieved within minutes rather hours.
The target effects, such as unconsciousness, are potentially life-threatening, as are the side effects of modern anesthetics, such as respiratory and cardiovascular depression. Finally, the patient’s purposeful responses are not available to guide drug dosage, because, either the patient is unconscious, or more problematically, the patient is aware but unable to communicate pain because of neuromuscular blockade.
Publisher: Springer Pages:134 2002 ISBN: New developments in the surgical management of breast disease surge daily. New techniques for tumor resection, reconstructive survery, lymph node assessment and cosmetic surgery are surfacing due to new demands in the market. The treatments are aimed at those patients diagnosed with breast disease who need quality medical treatment and require equally pleasing aesthetic results. This is an international text that outlines the management of both the malignant and benign diseases of the breast. High quality illustrations accompany the text to highlight the key aspects of surgical techniques.
An emphasis on the techniques that provide good cosmetic outcomes is the underlying theme of this text. Publisher: Springer Language: English ISBN: 446 pages Data: 2007 Description: Immune responses at mucosal surfaces play a major role in host mucosal defense against microbial pathogens and in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic mucosal inflammatory diseases. This volume draws on a broad spectrum of molecular biologic, biochemical, and immunogenetic approaches in combination with human and murine in vitro cell culture and in vivo model systems to address questions in mucosal immunity. Humans produce more immunoglobulin A (IgA) than all other antibody isotypes combined, most of which is rapidly transported into the external secretions bathing mucous membranes. It has been estimated that more than 3 grams of IgA are transported daily into mucosal secretions, carrying out a wide range of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory functions. IgA is the second most abundant class of antibody in the bloodstream, contributing to systemic as well as secretory immunity.
Recent advances in human genomics, gene regulation, structural biology, cell signaling, and immunobiology have greatly enhanced our understanding of this important class of antibody. This book is designed to serve as a concise reference of the present knowledge of the biology of IgA, including structure of IgA and its interaction with Fc receptors; epithelial transport of IgA; regulation of the mucosal IgA system; biological roles of IgA, including newly discovered functions; IgA-associated diseases, and therapeutic applications for IgA. Chapters have been contributed by internationally recognized leaders in the field of IgA research, representing 8 countries on 3 continents. Publisher: Wiley-Interscience 2007-10-22 1616 pages ISBN: The Handbook for Statistical Genetics is widely regarded as the reference work in the field. However, the field has developed considerably over the past three years. In particular the modeling of genetic networks has advanced considerably via the evolution of microarray analysis. As a consequence the 3rd edition of the handbook contains a much expanded section on Network Modeling, including 5 new chapters covering metabolic networks, graphical modeling and inference and simulation of pedigrees and genealogies. How to update boot camp drivers.