Download Adobe Pdf Reader For Blackberry 9800 Unlock
That doesn't sound like a free version, it sounds like a cracked and or pirated version. Thank you for clarifying this aristile. I should have made this clear, that this was a post by a user who purchased the software and decided to share it with other blackberry users. I understand that some forum members may find this objectionable. I am not clear about the forum rules, and please remove this post, if that link violates the terms that I agreed to when signing up, but unfortunately did not read carefully enough SK.
This is a NEW problem for me as well as i think, from looking at these posts, is the same issue for several people here. My native whatever that is pdf reader in my curve 8330 don't work no more. Not since os 4.5. So, is there anybody here who actually knows where the native pdf reader lives on the phone so that i can look at it or try to 'fix' it? Or are we destined to purchase a third party app? Anyway, i'm starting to get a little sick and tired of all the 'little' problems that i've had since os 4.5.
Such as the loud, irritating, painful, 'chirp' that happens on calls.
Download free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software for your Windows, Mac OS and Android devices to view, print, and comment on PDF documents.
Thanks for the heads up. It is a Paramedic field guide I use when I am on the ambulance, I put it on my phone cause BB don't have a application like that for BB.
Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.comI just did a Google search for 'EMS Field Guide for BB' and got a bunch of hits. Did you try that? Juat a thought: we keep field guides and Broslow tape in our jump bags.
Chances are, if I'm on a call where I have to look something up 1) I can find it faster in the guide 2)I probably don't want to take my phone out. These are hard to sterilize.
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Can always buy a new Field Guide if it gets splooged on. Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com.
Docs2go V3E is seemingly free, but doesn't work. Just get a bunch of dots rotating in a circle. Appears you can create new documents, but whenever i tried to save a PDF file and view it it kept telling me it couldn;t do that because there was a pending request and I needed to terminate it first. Couldn't figure out how to do that, since I didn't initiate the request.

I hope they get it working,and hope it stays free, it looked promising!Try opening it while browsing the files from the file manager built in or I use Beam Explorer.