Fastreport Pdf Export Font From Pdf
The PDF export in FR4 is capable to embed fonts, but it does that in the simplest way, by just copying all needed font files into a document. Sometimes, this leads to increasing the file size of the pdf document to more than 10 megabytes. I'm trying FastReport.Mono on Linux (CentOS 7) to see if I can make an app to generate reports from FastReport files. Example FastReport.Mono app seems to work, however there are problems with PDF.
I'm trying FastReport.Mono on Linux (CentOS 7) to see if I can make an app to generate reports from FastReport files. Example FastReport.Mono app seems to work, however there are problems with PDF export demo. I get the error message on attempt to export: Could not find file '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'.
File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list' The path /root/.local/share/FastReport/ exists, but there's indeed no requested file inside. I have installed truetype fonts mentioned in FastReport.Mono readme (they went into usr share fonts msttcore), it did not change anything. Creating an empty font.list file brought this error message: Enumeration has either not started or has already finished. How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work? Could not find file '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'.
File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list' BTW, you are working as root - this is not good for security. Anyway, you have to check following directory: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype'. Does it exist and TrueType fonts are there? If not, then you can define shell variable FONTDIR with following command: $ export FONTDIR='/path/to/truetype/fonts' At the time of first export to PDF format the FastReport.Mono check fonts in this directory and build font.list file. If font.list file present in '$HOME/.local/share/FastReport/' directory, then software checks that information in this file is an actual.
How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work? These issues should be fixes in next build.