Get Fake Driving Licence Ukraine
Drivers License for Ukraine There are several forms of drivers licenses that are considered lawful in Ukraine — depending on a person’s residency status. If you will be living in Ukraine temporarily and are from the United States of America, you will need your state (CA, MI, NV etc.) drivers license as well as an. An International Driving Permit is valid for up to one year and can be obtained through the AAA with relative ease. For those not from the U.S.A., check with your country’s ‘Department of Travel’ and obtain information on applying for an international drivers license. If and when you become a permanent resident or a citizen of Ukraine, you will need a Ukrainian drivers license. The process in obtaining a drivers license for Ukraine is rather simple. Visit DAI (traffic police) and take the touch screen test.
Answer 1 of 4: Can foreigners obtain a driving license in Ukraine? And if so can you use your license back in the UK?
At this time, the test is only given in the Ukrainian language.
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