Hp Ilo Firmware Download Dl380 G4 Eol
ILO 3 Firmware Update (HP Proliant DL380 G7). DVD download. You can update ILO firmware from the host server's operating system using the appropriate ILO package. Just click on the server to obtain driver downloads, certification and support information. DL380 G4 DC: 3: 3: 3. Appropriate device drivers to support the.
We have an old DL380 G4 that we are just using for a secondary DFS host. We renewed the support on it.
Can I get an Updated ILO on it? It currently has 1.82. It has two MAS60 Drive Arrays attached, so will it take down the server OS (2008 R2) and the arrays while doing it, or will it just reset the ILO controller and DFS will still function? I have not used ILO or DRAC before, let me know thanks. Any Cavet for doing firmware on this older system, other than the fact it is old and I just have to pray to the firmware gods? For what its worth, I have been updating a lot of our servers here (many are DL360 and 380 g4's) with the update disk. Some of the ILO firmware was older then what you are at, some of the bios were at factory level.

No issues for me. Also, ILO is very handy, even if you don't have full capability, like remote console.
I'd suggest hooking ILOs and DRACs up and familiarizing yourself with them, as you never know when you might need them. Also, to make it easier to get to them, add DNS entries with names like 'iserver' (like I for ILO, servername). Can be real handy. Let me know if you have any questions. Dukat is correct. ILO is always able to be updated whether you are in warranty or not and whether you have support on the iLO or not. The only difference is if you call in for support on an iLO Advanced feature (LDAP, Remote Console, Scripted Virtual Media, etc) and you do not have support, you might not get help.
But basic functions of iLO are covered under the System's warranty/support since iLO Advanced is not a required piece of software. Installazione connect nav alfa 147 tuning forks. So if basic iLO functions are not working, you should still get help from HP since you said the support on the server itself was renewed.
We have an HP Proliant DL380 G4 Server that needs a firmware update on its Smart Array 6i storage controller. Following the documentation, I've downloaded the firmware update file cp009357, but it does not seem to be the correct one. The server is running WinServ08 32 bit. The current firmware for the Smart Array 6i is 2.58. Downloaded all the available firmware update versions: • v2-84a-CP006627 • v2-80b-CP006627 • v2-80a-CP006627 • v2-76a-CP007619 • v2-74a-CP007374 • v2-68-CP006627 • v2-58b-CP006627 Tried each one starting with firmware version 2.58B. All of the installations failed with the same message: “The software will not be installed on this system because the required hardware is not present in the system or the software/firmware doesn't apply to this system. There were no devices found that could be loaded with the Rom Image Press 'Close' to exit Setup.” Is there another file I should be downloading?. I was in the same boat, and it's been a huge pain in my ass to try to get this firmware updated.
I'm on a DL360 G4p and using firmware revision 2.36, and using the%uFEFFonline flash for Windows I can't upgrade to any of the firmware packages, nor downgrade to 2.34, nor force a reinstall of 2.36. It just does not recognize that I have the card I know I have. I've used the Smart Update Firmware DVD successfully to install firmware on a DL380 G5 from inside of Windows, but I'd still get the error you're running into on my DL360. Turning on the Force flag might show a Success, but checking the logs would indicate that it just gets the same error. So, to boot from that DVD, you can't just burn it to a USB stick; instead, you have to use the HP USB Key Utility, which is included on the iso. I would suggest downloading the 2.0 version of that utility ().
I tried using the 9.20B version of that DVD, but it still wouldn't recognize my 6i.%uFEFF This might be because the 9.20 version removed support for my DL360 G4p, but I had no problems using version 10.10 to install firmware. However, booting from the 9.10C DVD () allowed me to successfully flash the firmware on my Smart Array 6i. I was in the same boat, and it's been a huge pain in my ass to try to get this firmware updated. I'm on a DL360 G4p and using firmware revision 2.36, and using the%uFEFFonline flash for Windows I can't upgrade to any of the firmware packages, nor downgrade to 2.34, nor force a reinstall of 2.36.