Mouse Speed Switcher Cracked
Easily and quickly Switch your mouse settings! Do you wish the speed of an external Mouse different than touchpad speed? Mouse Speed Switcher allows you to quickly and easily switch up to 10 (Ten!) sets of mouse settings. This is ideal for laptop users that switch between using the touchpad and an external mouse but want a different pointer speed/sensitivity for each device. Each of the 10 settings can be assigned to a specific mouse and activated automatically when the mouse is moved or can be activated manually by using a hotkey or the menu in the system tray bar. Mouse Speed Switcher can switch setting automatically as soon as you move the mouse! Simply connect to the computer all your devices (mouse/touchpad) and configure the program with your preferred settings, then Mouse Speed Switcher will automatically apply the appropriate setting when one of the configured mouses is moved.
What is a trial balance report. Mouse Speed Switcher can be used free of charge with some limitations. After 15 days the automatic switch feature will be disabled. By registering your own copy you will receive a license key that enables automatic switch feature and removes all reminder messages Comodo Internet Security (CIS) users please How to use it: Right-click on the MouseSpeedSwitcher icon in the system tray and choose 'Settings.'
Move the sliders for 'touchpad' and 'external mouse' to the desired speed. Configure your preferred HotKey. Click on Ok and MouseSpeedSwitcher is ready to use!
But Mouse Speed Switcher will nag you with update reminders if you don't. You can still use the program for free if those don't annoy you. Where you can find some value in the program is the.
Just press the hotkey you configured or double click on the tray icon and mouse settings will be switched. Requirements: MouseSpeedSwitcher runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, Windows 10.
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