Spoiled Tool Shop Staff Walkthrough Poptropica
The Problem Kid Brigade Client: Former Problem Children Request Events: Shikamaru and his friends were under Iruka's care back in Ninja Academy, and they want to get him a present. Help them out and tell Iruka thank you. Reward: 30 000 Ryo and 30% Discount Coupon x1 Master Jiraiya Client: Team Kakashi Request Events: Kakashi says he's found a mysterious code. Break the code and find the hidden treasure.
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Reward: 4 000 Ryo and Make-Out Side Stories x1 To Each His Own Client: Shikaku and Company Request Events: Kankuro, Akatsuchi and Ao have all come to Shikaku for medicine. There isn't enough material to make all the medicines, though. Go find material for them. Reward: 4 000 Ryo and Chakra Recovery Secret Elixir x2 Fury Client: Lady Tsunade Request Events: Tsunade comes to Naruto, and is she ever mad.
Apparently Kurotsuchi of the Hidden Stone is the problem. Listen to Tsunade and help resolve the situation. Reward: 3 500 Ryo and Super Chakra Inhale Tag x3 The Ino-Ino Fight Client: Ino Request Events: The Yamanakes have been fighting with each other. Listen to what Ino has to say, then follow her instructions.
Aiohow.fun is not responsible for third party website content. Los pasteles verdes karaoke. The media files you download with aiohow.fun must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening. It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission.
Reward: 4 000 Ryo and Old Poison Preparation List x1 Gaara's Gatekeeper Client: Temari Request Events: You've got a sudden request from Temari. She wants you to protect Gaara. Listen to what she has to say and protect Gaara from all comers. Reward: 5 000 Ryo and Deluxe Tortoiseshell Pills x3 Hot-Blooded Chojuro Client: Mei and Chojuro Request Events: Capable youngsters from each village have gathered for an exercise, and the Mizukage wants you to go help Chojuro. Attend the exercise and set a good example for him. Reward: 6 000 Ryo and Defense Break Tag x3 The Mizukage's Hidden Leaf Travelogue Client: Mei Request Events: The Mizukage has finished her meeting and wants to do some sightseeing in the Hidden Leaf to kill time. Go with her and show her around.
Reward: 5 000 Ryo and Deep Sleep Tag x1 Training Expedition to the Land of Iron Client: Hidden Cloud Ninja's Group Request Events: Killer Bee and other Hidden Cloud Ninja are training in the Land of Iron. Train with them and show what you've got. Reward: 4 000 Ryo and 20% Discount Coupon x1 Coastline Samurai Client: Mifune Request Events: The Samurai are training in the Land of Lightning. Mifune, their leader, has a request regarding that training. Help him make the training a success. Reward: 5 000 Ryo and Friend Red Bean Cake Set x5 Treasured Comb Client: Girl Request Events: A certain girl has lost her treasured comb and doesn't know what to do. Ask her for information and find the lost comb.