Candy Eclypsa Ce 104 Manuals
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CANDY ECLYPSA Richiedere qualsiasi manuale del proprietario, manuale di installazione, guida per l'utente, manuale di servizio, manuale di manutenzione, schemi, diagramma, lista parti di ricambio.
Hi from retired Englishman in SW France, Start off with the no spin, no drain. I would gently suggest as a first step that you clean the drain motor/pump lint tray/filter. So many 'faults' are caused by blocked filters and many machines will not even go to spin or release the door lock if there is any water still left inside. Here are my complete and generic guidance notes for checking both the drain motor filter and the drain motor;-0) If you are unsure where the filter is, it is often behind the front lower (kick) panel (or in some machines at the rear in an awkward position!). These panels are either held on by (plasic) screws or will just pull off. Most filters are held in by a round cover/knob. Sometimes the filter will not come out with the cover and you will have to persuade it to come out to play.
REMOVE POWER AND ENSURE YOU HAVE A WATER RECEPTACLE/RAGS TO SOAK UP THE WATER WHICH IS BOUND TO POUR OUT. It's surprising what people have found in theirs! It is always worthwhile checking it on a regular basis. Now- whilst the filter is removed it is normally possible to see the drain motor and ensure it is not jammed by a foreign object such as a needle or a toothpick. It should be able to be turned by hand/finger- the power IS OFF!
At this point it is also possible to test if the motor works. No clothes or water in the machine, select a spin cycle and put the power back on. You should be able to see the motor turning at some point, possibly straight away. Using something suitable like a glove see if it is easy to briefly slow the motor down. If it is easy then the motor is malfunctioning. Now no hot water input This is symptomatic of a malfunctioning water control valve- the hot water one in this case. Sorry but it needs replacing and a service call to confirm that it is not something else- like the control board not feeding the correct voltage to the valve;-0( Not heating the water Could be malfunctioning heater element, or could be control board again, or poor eletrical connections.
Suggest raising this with repair man;-0( If this has assisted you please consider a 4 thumbs up for the rating. Thanks and good luck! John C Posted on Jun 14, 2011. Would help to have the model and type.but typically if the tub is not agitating the coupling between the motor and the tub is worn out or broken. However, if it is spinning properly, it probably indicates a problem with the transmission.
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Really need to know what type of washer it is to help pin down the problem. Any 'burnt' smells coming from the washer?
Give a little more information and maybe we can figure it out. Top load.side load, make and model preferred. You can locate that information on a plate usually attached inside the door on most models. Apr 17, 2016 . Both problems could be related to a blocked drain, from what I can see in the manual. 3 Things to check - 1. Clean the filter - instructions can be found on age 24 of the manual.
Check the drain hose has no kinks/securely fitted. Check the drain trap under the sink for blockages.
Make sure waste water can drain away freely. Keep a couple of old towels handy when checking the drain filter, if water is trapped in the machine, it will flow out of the filter housing when you remove it. Try a drain cycle for a minute or two before you remove the filter, then turn the machine off, and check it. That way you'll have drained as much water as it will allow. The manual can be found here- Jan 07, 2014 . Hi from retired Englishman in SW France, I would gently suggest as a first step that you clean the drain motor/pump lint tray/filter. So many 'faults' are caused by blocked filters and many machines will not even go to rinse or spin or release the door lock if there is any water still left inside.