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The contents of this page are not supported by, the, the or the. Server wrappers are systems that do not modify the Minecraft server or its data files, but instead read its console output and supply console commands in order to add some additional functionality. This means that they will usually work with any version of the server software. Name Description Date Version Platforms Link Source available Programming language Author AdminCraft AdminCraft is an open source Administration Web GUI Console for administering a Linux Minecraft Server. Admincraft is in early development. The git-page states: 'This project has discontinued' 2012-2-22 0.3 Yes Python, Bash Alf BukkitGUI Provides server owners with an easy to use, powerful GUI. Powerful functions including a task scheduler, error logger, and plugin manager featuring Bukget.
Low CPU/RAM overhead. Supports remote servers through JSONAPI. 2015-07-01 v1.8.0. 287 beta) Yes VisualBasic Bertware SpigotGUI Server wrapper based on BukkitGUI that is intended to make server management simple and all in one menu. 2018-04-04 v1.0 Yes C# JusticePro BukkitUI for Windows BukkitUI for Windows is a port from the Java version to C# to ensure complete compatibility on Windows systems.
BukkitUI for Windows, as its Java counterpart, is small and lightweight and features a rich, custom user interface. This version of BukkitUI is currently in the development phase and will be released shortly. N/a n/a Any Yes C#.NET clicraft Operate a Minecraft or Bukkit server from the command line. With clicraft you can send in-game commands to the server's console, extend functionality with scripts, and more.
2012-7-6 0.0.7 Yes Bash DMBuce CraftSRV 1.x (Legacy) This product has been superseded by - CraftSRV was a Minecraft Server control panel. Enabling you to manage multiple servers, CraftSRV is suitable for both personal and business use. CraftSRV includes many features that are not available in other Minecraft Server control panels. Features such as our unique Plugin manager which enables you to install plugins effortlessly, at a click of a button. 2016-11-20 1.11.2 No PHP EMSM The Extendable Minecraft Server Manager (EMSM) allows you to manage multiple world and server versions (vanilla, mc-forge, bungeecord.) with one tool. It's easy to extend and there are already a lot of useful plugins like: backups, initd, status. 2015-03-10 4.0.0-beta MIT Benedikt Schmitt GamePanel.io Game Panel.io is a brand game server control panel.
Supporting Source, Minecraft and more! The new game panel from CraftSRV Ltd. 2017-01-05 2.0.0 No Java Handle Handle is a Python front-end for bukkit.
It automates backups, mapping, and restarts. It also gives you a live feed of your RAM/CPU/HDD and an online player list. 2011-5-10 0.3.0 Yes Python T_Mac LinuxGSM LinuxGSM is a Bash wrapper script made to manage game servers, but it is not just for Minecraft. Besides from the basic functions, it can create backups, update itself and the server, log LGSM events, enter commands directly into the terminal, and port alerts via a Webhook, E-mail, or Pushbullet.
2016-08.1 Any Yes Bash LinuxGSM Team mark2 A robust command line wrapper and terminal multiplexer supporting the usual things (scheduled restarts, backups, etc) but also packing scriptability and a bunch of useful plugins. Mark2 is aimed at those competent enough to configure server.properties themselves, and want an open platform to build on.
Works with vanilla, craftbukkit, spigot, feed the beast, technic, etc. Maintained in a fork as of January 2015. Yes Python & Twisted barneygale, edk141, gsand McMyAdmin A web based control panel that provides scheduling, permissions management, backup handling, plugin installation and many other features in a easy to use web interface. McMyAdmin is currently the most widely used control panel powering over 65000 Minecraft servers. Compatible with most major server mods.
2013-04-29 Front End C# CubeCoders Limited MCServer MCServer is a mini http server which allows you to administrate your Minecraft Server form your local machine or remotely using a web browser. Simply run MCServer and connect to your computer using a browser to be able to give items to players, create backups, start/stop/restart the Minecraft Server and much more.
2011-9-17 0.31.600 No PureBasic Dean Williams MC Server Helper Console wrapper for Windows that automates server backup, restart, and update of minecraft_server.jar. 2011-03-05 1.1a Yes, Ms-PL C# GaryJohnson Advanced Minecraft Server Manager with a beautiful GUI to host your server at home. 2011-05-19 No C# Robin9080 (a.k.a. Fahblade) MC ServerVille is a Minecraft server wrapper that simplifies setting up and managing a Minecraft server. You can save settings to profiles for later use, send commands with the quick command panel, and add/remove people from player lists.