Php Arcade Script Templates For Final Draft
Current TV Templates Template Name Final Draft 9 Final Draft 10 Final Draft 11 American Crime X X American Crime Story X X Better Call Saul X X Black-ish X X Blue Bloods X X X Brooklyn Nine-Nine X X Criminal Minds X X X Doctors (UK) X X X Elementary X X X Empire X X Fargo X X Family Guy X X X Game of Thrones X X General Hospital X X X Grey’s Anatomy X X X Holby City (UK) X X X Homeland X X House of Cards X X Law and Order: SVU X X X Luther X X Modern Family X X X Mr. Robot X X NCIS X X X New Girl X X X Saturday Night Live X X X Silicon Valley X X Single Ladies X X X South Park X X X Supernatural X X X The Americans X X The Simpsons X X X Transparent X X Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt X X Veep X X Workaholics X X X. Educational Templates Template Name Final Draft 9 Final Draft 10 Final Draft 11 Adam Coplan The Road Map X X Chris Vogler The Writers Journey X X Eric Edson The Story Solution Feature X X Jen Grisanti Pilot Worksheet X X Michael Hauge 6 Stage Structure X X New York Film Academy Comic Book X X Pen Densham X X Richard Walter X X Save the Cat! - Buddy Love Genre X X X Save the Cat!
- Dude with a Problem Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Fool Triumphant Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Golden Fleece Genre X X X Save the Cat!
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Script Templates. Download Now. Need to contact someone else at Final Draft? Got feedback or a great idea for us? CONTACT FINAL DRAFT. Subscribe to Final Draft.
- Institutionalized Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Monster in the House Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Out of the Bottle Genre X X X Save the Cat!
- Rites of Passage Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Superhero Genre X X X Save the Cat! - Whydunit Genre X X X Screenplay 135 Story Structure X X.
Description Write movie and TV scripts, stage plays, and new media with Final Draft – the number-one selling entertainment industry-standard application that combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting. There is no need to learn about script formatting rules – Final Draft automatically formats your script to industry standards as you write. Works seamlessly with the new Final Draft Writer app for iPad (sold separately). TOP WRITING FEATURES INCLUDE: * Scene View - Outline your script and reorder scenes using a simple drag-and-drop interface.
* Navigator – View, sort and filter the important details of your scenes, Scriptnotes and Characters. Hum sath sath hai movie song. * Index Cards - Easily outline your story and restructure your script one scene at a time.
* ScriptNotes – Make general or element specific color-coded notes that won’t affect your script’s pagination. * Templates – Over 100 classic and current television shows, screenplay, stageplay, and graphic novel templates are available with the option to customize your own. * Pagination - Final Draft paginates your script perfectly to industry standards universally for OSX, PC or iPad. * Watermarking in Printing and PDF Options - You can print your watermarked script to any printer with standardized paper size or save directly to PDF in flawless script format. * Panels System - Split your screen in half so you can view scene outlines while simultaneously writing your script.

* Final Draft Courier Font - We have created the ideal screenwriting font that is easy to read while meeting industry requirements. * Writing Management - Check content you've written to help you manage your writing goals.
* Format Assistant - After you're finished with your first draft, run Format Assistant to make sure there are no formatting errors. * Retina and Full Screen Support - Benefit from the convenience of distraction-free writing in full screen mode, as well as retina display compatibility. * Mac OSX Dictation Support - Mac’s built-in OSX dictation feature works with Final Draft allowing for hands-free writing that’s as fast as your ideas. TOP PRODUCTION FEATURES INCLUDE: * Title Page - Create and easily include a professional Title Page with your script. * Revision Mode - Revise your script as often as you'd like. Save different revisions for production purposes. * Page Locking - Omit scenes, lock pages and A-pages, and set revision colors.
You can take your script all the way from concept to final production. * Colored Production Pages for Revisions - Colored border allows for writing ease, with solid color production pages in PDF for distribution. * Character Highlighting – Use to highlight specific characters’ lines for table reads or when writing to track characters’ dialogue. * Customizable Reporting - Final Draft offers you seven different reports for production including Scene, Character, and Location reports.