World War Z 360 Partners

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Dec 08, 2016  Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a.

If you’re a movie goer, you’ve probably seen trailers for Brad Pitt’s zombie movie, World War Z. Pitt plays a United Nations employee forced to deal with a global zombie pandemic of epic proportions. Download windows 7 eternity edition iso meaning. Hollywood is picking up on a theme we’ve been discussing in these pages at some length First,.

We’re not talking about the computer-animated characters you see in the movies. We’re talking about real people who live at the expense of others people who take but don’t give people who twist “the system” to get things that rightfully belong to others. Here is our zombie hypothesis, in case you’ve forgotten As a society ages, more and more people find ways to take advantage of it. Everybody wants power, wealth or status. And naturally,. The shortest, softest and surest route is to game the system: using it to get subsidies, grants, jobs, tax breaks, bailouts, welfare, special parking places and other benefits. But gradually, the cost of supporting all these chiselers and layabouts increases until the entire system goes broke.

Society can no longer afford to continue in this mode. As in France before the revolution of 1780, the whole shebang collapses. A colleague has done a study of the large companies that spent the most on lobbying. He calls it the “K Street Index” after the street in Washington, DC, where many of the big lobbying firms are based. In the period measured, they spent $1.2 trillion on lobbying (including campaign contributions). Readers will note that lobbying is not productive behavior – at least, not in the ordinary sense. It does not lead to higher output.

It does not fund innovation or new inventions. It does not pay workers or stimulate additional sales. Lobbying expenses should lead to lower stock prices. Like spending money on call girls or page boys, it means the companies are using their scarce resources on things that will not raise production or increase sales or boost profits. It’s not greater output or better management that counts; it’s whom you know in Washington. Lobbying pays off.

It’s how to grab ahold of the system and twist it in your favor. The K Street Index outperformed the rest of the stock market more than two to one. The rest of the market rose 60%. These top a** kissers rose 170%.

Zombieism Pays Like Never Before How do you like that? Politics pays. You make campaign contributions. You hire a K Street lobbyist to curry favor for you.

Your business may not really get better. But your stock goes up! What’s the harm? It’s always been like that, hasn’t it? Singers unlimited a capella ii.

There have always been corrupt politicians and conniving corporations. Zombies will always be with us. But never before have the zombies been so numerous and profitable.