The Magic Card Zip 20174
You can impress your friends with really easy magic tricks. These tricks include classics like card tricks, making a coin disappear or bending a paperclip with your mind. What’s more, most of these simple and easy magic tricks only take a few minutes to learn. Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ► For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: beamazedvideos@gmail.com Featuring.
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Turn paper into cash magic trick - Magic always looks more impressive with fire. The levitating card trick - the levitating card trick is another very easy piece of magic. The disappearing crayons - Disappearing coin trick - This is one of a host of classic coin tricks you’ve probably seen a version of dozens of times before. Disappearing match trick - Disappearing coin trick off table - Some more coin trickery now.
Magic liquid through a plastic cup trick - This is another trick that requires a little bit of advance preparation. Wine glass and coin trick - This is another perennial favourite of magicians the world over. Signed card trick - We’ve been light on card tricks thus far, so let’s address that issue right now.
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For this trick you’ll need a deck of cards, a marker and a see-through bag. Breaking a pencil with an index card - This is another really simple trick that you can do with a regular old pencil and an index card. The torn corner card trick - Bend a paperclip with your mind - Bending a paperclip with your mind is not as difficult as it sounds. Magic chalk powder - For this you’ll need some chalk and an assistant's hands, preferably attached to their body. Disappearing ring - Ever wanted to make a ring disappear? Magic slap card trick - Now we’re going back to card tricks.
Get your assistant to pick a card. Look at it and put it back anywhere in the deck.
Anti-gravity ring - Now we’re going to do something really cool. Levitating money trick - With this trick it appears that all you're doing is taking a standard note and folding it. Disappearing foil coin trick - This is a delightfully simple trick that looks wonderful if pulled off correctly. Take a coin and a piece of paper.
Torn and Restored Dollar Bill Trick Revealed - Now we’re going to destroy some money, well, not really.
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